27 October 2011

World Trip Summary

I’ve now completed my 10 month trip around the Americas and it has been amazing.  There have been various ups and downs along the way, but what a memorable time I’ve had.  I’ve experienced so many different cultures, seen so much spectacular scenery, encountered all sorts of different animals, eaten a huge variety of food, good and bad, and tried lots of new activities.  Coming home has been bittersweet as I was so happy to see my family and friends again, but it means that I have had to say goodbye to Le Roux who is continuing his travels with 3 months volunteering at a fishing lodge in British Columbia, followed by a few months travelling around South East Asia, before heading home to South Africa.  He has been a fabulous travelling companion and although we’ve had a few disagreements along the way, they’ve been remarkably few given we’ve pretty much spent 24/7 with each other for the last 10 months – in fact I think we’ve only spent 2 nights apart when we were put in separate male and female dorms in Mendoza!  It’s going to be tough adjusting to not having him around and I’m going to miss him loads.  He is a lot more adventurous than I am and he’s pushed me to try all sorts of new things that I might not have done so otherwise, although he failed to get me into the water caves in Semuc Champey which encompassed pretty much all of my phobias – potentially rising water in a confined space and having to jump off high ledges into the pitch black - no chance! 

I will look back on the trip with very fond memories and will be able to recall all the fun adventures we’ve had when I’m back in the less exciting, real world of work and mortgage paying.  I appreciate that I have been very lucky to be able to take this time out and although it’s unlikely I will get this much time in one chunk again, I do hope that I will be able to fit in a few long trips in the future as there is so much more of the world that I am itching to explore – the list of places has got longer rather than shorter since I’ve been away having spoken to other travellers.  Also there’s places we’ve been that I’d love to go back to and explore further, such as Argentina.  My philosophy has always been that you need something to look forward to so having your next trip planned ahead of returning from your last one means the return home is not quite so bad.  I had the 4 week cookery course in Ashburton, Devon booked for July/August and a family holiday to Centre Parcs in October, all of which have helped a little to soften the blow of having to return to the real world!

I’ve already done summaries of the three parts of the trip so I thought I’d do something slightly different this time.  Given my love of numbers, I’ve worked out a few stats from the trip as well as a few more award categories.

Number of countries visited: 14 – Ecuador; Peru; Bolivia; Argentina; Chile; Brazil; Costa Rica; Nicaragua; Honduras; Guatemala; Belize; Mexico; USA; and Canada.

Mileage: 19,997 miles – we travelled this overland on the Tucan trucks, public buses and by Jeep, but it excludes distances covered in boats and planes.  I’m amazed at how many hours we must have spent on the road!

Number of nights away: 302 – 2nd September 2010 to 1st July 2011

Number of nights spent camping: 55 (18%) I used to camp as a Girl Guide and as a Venture Scout but I haven’t really done much since then.  On this trip, now I’ve got a more comfortable sleeping mat, I’ve rediscovered camping and am keen to do more of it in the future as being outdoors is great, as long as you’re not in Brazil during the rainy season!

Number of nights spent in hammocks: 5 (2%) – 3 in the Pantanal in the hammock barn, 1 on a fishing boat in Alter de Chao and 1 back on dry land in Alter de Chao after we got rained out of our tent.  Some hammocks are more comfortable than others, but I’m not convinced they really work for tall people – all the locals using them are pretty short!

Number of nights spent travelling: 17 (6%) – I was surprised at how high this number was, but it is a combination of night buses, ferry journeys and flights, none of which resulted in a good night’s rest!

Number of nights spent couchsurfing: 6 (2%) – I wish we’d discovered this website earlier and had the confidence to try it more.  The three times we’ve used it, it worked out well and I’d highly recommend it to anyone.  I’m also going to look into doing a bit of hosting as and when it suits, when I get home as it’s been great meeting all sorts of different people while we’ve been away.

Number of nights spent staying with friends: 29 (10%) Thank you so much to all of you for putting us up, we really appreciated your hospitality!

Most nights spent in one place: 9 - Florianopolis, Brazil. We really appreciated being in one place for an extended period of time as constantly moving on becomes exhausting.  If we had our time again, we’d definitely put in a couple more weeks of downtime.

Number of flights taken: 12 + 1 helicopter flight over the Grand Canyon.  We pre-booked flights to and from the Americas, along with the 2 internal flights between the 3 sections of our trip. However, due to the size of Argentina, Brazil and Canada we had to fly some bits – 40+ hours on a bus would have been too much for me!

Number of photos taken: 19,487 – we took A LOT of photos!  I have, however, culled that crazy number down to a more modest 4,753, which I now need to organise into a photobook or 10. I’m so pleased I invested in a digital SLR and zoom lens before I left as I have had so much fun with it and have some great photos as a result.

Amount of money spent by me: c.£21,000 including camping equipment and specialised outdoor clothing which I get to keep for my next adventure!

Items stolen: 0 – luckily we had no nasty incidents

Items lost: 14 - Le Roux had a particularly bad run of losing things! 1 pair of 
Oakley sunglasses; 1 set of Berghaus waterproofs; 2 Icebreaker t-shirts; 1 water bottle; 1 debit card; 1 laptop power cable;  2 baseball caps; and 1 pair of swimming shorts.  He nearly lost his whole clothes bag as he left it at the bus stop in Florianopolis for about 10 minutes before we realised!  I’ve faired somewhat better as I only managed to lose a memory stick (Le Roux’s rather than mine), a glove (fell out of my pocket on a hike), 1 pair of knickers (never came back from the laundry) and a bag of groceries (left behind in the San Jose hostel).

Number of bike punctures: 3 - I’m the one who loves cycling so I’ve dragged Le Roux on a few outings.  However, on three occasions he’s managed to get a puncture!  In Chile on the wine tasting tour so we had to stop and pump up the tyre every 10 minutes, on Ilha de Marajo in Brazil in the pouring rain, and on PEI 4.5km from the nearest town.  He refused to come cycling again after the 3rd puncture!

Number of wine regions tasted: 6 - Mendoza, Argentina; Colchagua Valley, Chile; Santa Barbara and Sonoma Valley, California; Okanagan Valley, British Columbia; and Prince Edward Island, Canada.  We had fun cycling 3 of them – a great way to spend the day!  The worst was most definitely PEI with very watery simple wines, but it’s a toss up for the best between Chile and Canada, surprisingly.  I was very pleasantly surprised by BC wine and was disappointed to find out that it is all drunk in Canada and none of it makes it out of the country so unless I go back I won’t get to drink it again.  We are lucky enough to get a lot of Chilean wine in the UK at decent prices, so I’ll definitely be trying more than my usual merlot.

Number of cans of insect repellent used: 9 – I will not be sad to see the back of sand flies, black flies and mosquitoes which all seem to love my English rose skin!

Number of peppercorn refills purchased: 5 – Le Roux and I love freshly ground black pepper and did not manage to cope without a grinder for very long at all.  We have had to refill it at least five times – I hadn’t quite realised how much we get through!

Number of lobster dinners eaten: 3 – Given I’ve only eaten lobster 3 times in my life before this trip, I’m surprised we’ve had it 3 times since we’ve been away, given it was a budget trip!  The grilled lobster we ate in the Galapagos was very disappointing unfortunately as it was very overcooked, but the large boiled Atlantic ones Roy served up in Halifax were simply delicious and the boiled ones we had in Bar Harbor, Maine were also very good.

Number of border crossings: 20 – The slowest crossing was from Bolivia into Argentina where we had to wait for the official to come back from lunch before we could get the truck papers stamped – so frustrating!  The most nerve-wracking for me was the Argentina/Chile border as you’re not allowed to take across any fresh food and we’d got chicken sandwiches stashed all around the truck as well as other food – luckily although the vehicle search was thorough we’d done a good job of hiding it all!  The most scary for Le Roux was the Guatemala/Mexico border where his paperwork was intensely scrutinised and the official asked lots of questions – eventually he was allowed in much to our relief.

Number of snack bag incidents: 14 - my beach bag became our snack bag early on as I get really grumpy when hungry so it was good to have some healthy snack options available on the long bus journeys where food stops were irregular and unpredictable.  Unfortunately, my love of bananas, which don’t travel well has led to 7 squashed banana incidents.  I have a taste for dark chocolate and have had some stashed in the bag for moments of weakness, however, chocolate and heat don’t mix well and we’ve opened the bag on 4 occasions to find melted chocolate squished all over the bag and it’s contents. The poor snack bag has been subject to 2 animal raids with permanent scars – nibble holes!  The snack bag also faired badly in the Brazilian rainy season as stuck in our damp tent for 2 days it started growing mould – Ewh!

Number of food raids by animals: 5 - we’ve suffered a number of food thefts by animals – the first was in our hotel room in the Galapagos where a rat ate its way into Le Roux’s rucksack to get to the trail mix inside.  The snack bag has been attached twice, as mentioned above.  Whilst camping we’ve also had 2 grocery bag raids with bread, sugar, pancake mix and a few other things being chomped on.  Following that we invested in a large plastic box with a lid to protect our food supplies!

Number of games of President and Yarniff played: 889 - I played a phenomenal number of card games, so much so that I’ve had to replace 2 packs of cards.  We started playing President marathons on the big yellow Tucan bus to while away the many hours spent on South American roads, but then we met Will on the Navimag ferry in Chile where we learnt Yarniff which is the most addictive game.  Next time we saw the Tucan gang we taught them and it wasn’t long before they were all sucked in and we had 3-4 tables playing at once!

Highest & lowest altitudes reached on land: +5000m and -86m - a mountain pass in Peru on the way back from Colca Canyon took us up to 5000m; and we visited the lowest point in the US at Badwater Basin in Death Valley National Park, California which is 86m below sea level.

Most annoying dog: Campsite Dog, Pucon Chile - I’m not the biggest dog fan, but my feelings towards them reached an all time low when I discovered 2 different shoes missing from our tent in Pucon, thanks to the dog from the neighbouring property harbouring a shoe fetish.  Luckily Le Roux found both of my shoes the next morning hidden in different places, but not before I’d had a sleepless night worrying about doing a 4 day trek in new shoes.

Classic trip phrases: The first of these the Tucan gang will chuckle at - “I didn’t get the cards I deserved” which came out during one of our lengthy President marathons.  The 2nd is one Le Roux identified - “I love a good view I do” - as we’ve seen so many amazing views that it became a little over used!

Things not to leave home without: sharp knife; water filter; SPF lipbalm; mini laptop; waterproofs; spare camera battery; and extra memory cards.

Things I will miss: Amazing new scenery almost every day; exploring new places; trying local cuisine; and meeting lovely friendly people on a daily basis.

Things I won’t miss: Sewing up clothes; and living out of a backpack.

How the trip has changed my outlook:
·         Believe it or not but I am now capable of doing something without planning it down to the minutest detail!  However, I do still love a spreadsheet - nothing’s going to change that!
·         My perspective on size and distances has definitely changed – 12+ hours of driving in a day became the norm in South America.  It would have taken 63hrs of solid driving to cover the 6,200km across Canada from Vancouver to Halifax had we not taken the more sensible option of flying the less interesting middle bit.  Back home now, everything seems a lot smaller and closer.
·         Being away for so long has taught me to really appreciate my family and friends and to make the most of time with them.
·         Taking time out from work and real life has meant that I’ve been able to see how crazy my life, and more specifically my job, was so I’m trying to achieve a much better balance now I’m back, ie. more play and less work!  My health has been better with far less stress and I’ve got a lot more time to spend with family and friends and on new and old hobbies.

I hope there will be many more exciting and fun adventures in my life, but they’re going to have to go some to top what was an incredible 10 months.  I’m so glad I took the time to  write the blog so that I can look back over the trip and be reminded of the funny incidents and amazing things I’ve seen and done. 

And now back to the real world and job hunting...or perhaps I’ll start the task of turning the blog and photos into a book for me – much more fun!


11 October 2011

North America Summary

San Francisco – Monterey – San Simeon – Los Angeles – Williams – Tuba City – Bryce Canyon NP – Zion NP – Las Vegas – Death Valley NP – Sonora – Yosemite NP – San Francisco – Sonoma – Ukiah - Clam Beach – Gold Beach – Charleston – Siuslaw National Forest – Garibaldi – Portland – The Dalles – Seaquest State Park – Lake Quinault – Forks – Port Angeles – Port Townsend – Seattle – Vancouver – Victoria – Nanaimo – Ucluelet – Tofino – Mission – Osoyoos – Kamloops – Lake Louise - West Calgary – High River – Calgary – Halifax – Whycocomagh – Meat Cove – Port Hastings – Montague – St Peters Bay – Charlottetown – Five Islands – Saint John – Millinocket – Bar Harbor – Crawford Notch State Park – New London – Boston – Taughannock State Park - Toronto

We completed our 3 month tour of North America about 3 months ago now so I’ve been a bit slow with this, but finally here are my awards for the US and Canadian leg of the trip.

Food Highlights
·         In stark comparison to South and Central America there were a lot of food highlights in North America and I’ve come home with a long list of dishes that I’m looking forward to recreating, such as pulled pork, peanut butter cheesecake, whoopies, seafood chowder, pecan buns, blue cheese dressing and many more yummy delights!
·         Food moments worthy of specific mention:
-        Chris in Seattle fed Le Roux and I extraordinarily well during our 3 nights at his place.  We were treated to veal cheeks sous vide, roasted pork belly, Hungarian woolly pig fat, fresh crab and many more superb things.  Chris’ kitchen is a bit like a science lab and his dedication to producing the most amazing dishes far out strips mine, with meals that take days to prepare being common place in his repertoire.  I’d highly recommend a visit to Chris’ place if you’re ever in Seattle.
-        Lot 30 in Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island produced the best meal we’ve eaten in our whole 10 months away.  The rib eye steak and the pork belly were incredible and the melting chocolate pudding was perfect.  All washed down with some very tasty red wine, followed by some dessert wine.  It was a fabulous evening, topped off by the chunky discount our waiter gave us as we were poor backpackers!
-        The seafood buffet at the Indian Casino near Ukiah in California was surprisingly tasty and excellent value.  It was the best Dungeness Crab we had and the sugarless cheesecake for dessert was so light and tasty - thank you Matt & Laura for taking us there.
-        A final mention goes to the abalone that Matt & Laura sourced for us.  I’d never had it before and boy was it a treat.  It was quite funny preparing such a rare and gourmet treat in a rustic campsite, but it was definitely worth all the effort of slicing and tenderising as it was so soft we could cut it with our plastic spoons.  I’d love to have it again, but I’m not sure where I’ll be able to get hold of any as diving for it is banned in most places due to over fishing.

Food Lowlights
·         Laughably, one of our food lowlights is a dish I whipped up in our motel room in Sonora – pesto pasta with vegetables.  Personally I blame the jar of pesto as I just don’t understand how you can make tasteless pesto given basil is such a pungent herb. However, this food company had, and although not unpleasant, the dinner literally tasted of nothing and was purely fuel in the end.  Sorry Le Roux.
·         On the tasteless theme, we encountered quite a few icecreams with fabulous sounding flavours that just didn’t deliver.  If you’d done a blind tasting you would be hard pushed to identify what flavour they were.  Very disappointing given my love of good quality icecream.
·         PEI wine has to be mentioned here as it was terrible.  The LP book mentioned the winery in respect of its fruit wines, but tactfully didn’t mention the proper wines.  Some of the worst red and white wine I’ve ever had the misfortune to try.  The fruit wine was interesting and different and fun to try, but not good enough to warrant buying any at the end of the tasting.
·         Root beer is the final thing on my list as I honestly can’t abide the stuff.  It tastes like TCP and is very unpleasant.  Why on earth people drink the stuff is beyond me, although Le Roux seemed to quite like it!

Best Seafood Chowder
·         We tried a lot of different chowders as we travelled up the Pacific Coast from California to Vancouver, and down the East Coast from Nova Scotia to Boston.  All were different and most were delicious, and I’m now itching to make my own version having decided on my favourite features.  Not too much potato and not too big chunks, a rich soup but not too thick and plenty of chunks of seafood or fish.  I’ll let you know when I’ve perfected it!  As to my favourite of those we tried, I think it was the lobster chowder in Murray Harbour on Prince Edward Island.  My only regret is that I had to share the one cup we ordered with Le Roux!

Worst Coffee
·         On this trip we have visited coffee plantations, seen how coffee factories operate, been taught how to make a decent coffee and drunk a fair bit of the black stuff. Some has been great, some ok and other cups downright awful (Brazil is right up there on the awful front!).  We have even visited the home of coffee shops – Seattle.  However, the award for the worst coffee in North America goes to the Canadian institution, Tim Horton’s (specifically in Nova Scotia), where I can safely say I forced down the worst cappuccino of my life – some flavoured nightmare that didn’t even have foam!  Not to be repeated.

Best City
This was an easy one to decide, as I fell in love with San Francisco.  San Francisco has it all with its fantastic sea side location and temperate climate, along with fabulous shopping, lots of great restaurants and heaps of cultural activities.  It is also fantastically positioned to take advantage of the beautiful Californian coastline both north and south of the city, as well as being just a few hours drive from ski resorts and Yosemite National Park.  What more can I say, other than I hope I’ll get to visit the city again in the not too distant future!  Simon and Colette – I’m so jealous that you have moved there and I’d love to be your house guest again.  Boston came a close 2nd, with all the history and fabulous architecture in the city, but the weather let it down – it rained a lot while we were staying with Chris and Jess!  Las Vegas also deserves a mention as it is most definitely unique.  I loved the city because it does tacky and over the top so very, very well.  The attention to detail is incredible and you can’t help but be impressed by the replica Eiffel Tower or the fabulous Bellagio Fountains.  We loved the 48 hours that we spent in Vegas, but were completely exhausted by the end as the city truly never sleeps!

Worst Town
Port Hastings can only be described as a hole.  We only stopped here for the night as we couldn’t face driving for any longer that day, but I kind of wish we’d struggled on a bit further as it was such a charmless place with lots of awful motels.  We struggled to find somewhere that wasn’t completely ramshackle and disgusting or ridiculously expensive.  On our 6th enquiry we finally found a price and a place we could stomach and we settled in for the night, before leaving pretty promptly in the morning.

Disappointing Moments
·         One particularly disappointing moment happened in our first week in North America.  We were travelling south from San Fran on our way to LA via Route 1 (aka the Pacific Coast Highway).  One of the highlights on this route is Big Sur, supposedly the most picturesque part of the California coastline.  However, we didn’t get to see it as there had just been a number of landslides due to heavy rain and Big Sur was completely cut-off.  We got down as far as Carmel, but then had to divert in land and travel south on the 101 before rejoining the coast at Cambria.  I can’t believe we had to miss out the best bit of the coastline - I’ll have to go back!
·         Another major disappointment was the weather while we were in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.  Although we were able to drive along the coast road all the way around the Cape, we could barely see anything as there was thick fog most of the time.  Given we’d gone there for the views, we had to cut short our time there as it became pointless!
·         The final disappointment was the fact that we couldn’t find a rodeo event that coincided with our time in any place.  We narrowly missed the mother of all rodeos, the Calgary Stampede, and we were completely gutted.  I’ll be going back to stay with Cheryl and Mike in Calgary one July for sure!

Best Manmade Sight
           This award has to go to Las Vegas.  An oasis in the middle of the dessert, this city is fabulous!  There is nothing natural about this place - pretty much everything is fake, but it is all done so well that you can’t help but love it.

Best Natural Wonder
          I’m torn over this one and so I’ve opted for joint winners:  The Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon.  Different landscapes but both very impressive.  The scale of the Grand Canyon most definitely wows – we spent 30 mins flying over just part of it!  Bryce Canyon has the unusual red hoodoos in its amphitheatre which are stunning.  Both were made all the prettier by a dusting of snow.

Best Campsite
I’ve got a short list of three great campsites:
·         Five Islands, Nova Scotia – a beautiful setting right on the coast at the top of the cliffs with unsurprisingly 5 islands in the bay.
·         Zion National Park, Utah – We set up our tent in some woodland in the shadow of the soaring gorge walls.
·         Lake Quinault, Washington – a deserted campsite right on the edge of Lake Quinault.  We just about got to appreciate the lovely view across the lake before the rain clouds came in!

Favourite National Park
          We visited quite a few National Parks so we definitely got our money’s worth out of our annual pass.  A hard decision as I was really impressed by all of the National Parks we went to but I think on balance by favourite was Zion as it was so pretty, the sun shone and we did two amazing hikes – Angel’s Landing and Observation Point.  We also met quite a few friendly people in the campsite which topped off a great few days.

Funniest Animal Moment
·         I thought about the dive bombing jays that were after my fry up one morning, but then decided that the clam and raccoon incident was the winner.  After we’d retired to our tent for the night a cheeky raccoon decided to raid our bucket of clams, dropping one as it scarpered. Amazingly this clam was still alive in the morning so we reunited it with the others and hoped that it would recover from its ordeal. 

Best Hike and Scariest Moment – Dual Award
         The Angel’s Landing hike which we did in Zion NP was incredible, if a little scary.  Chicken out point isn’t called that for nothing!  I’m so glad I made it up the scary bit as the view was stunning across the valley.

Biggest Misconception and Most Frustrating
·         My understanding of the seasons in the US was somewhat flawed.  I stupidly thought that it would be sunny in California in April, but that wasn’t the case most of the time!  We came across 6ft of snow in a number of places and apparently you can ski until the 4th July!  The extreme weather conditions were highlighted by the fact that one morning we started in Death Valley in shorts and flip flops and 3 hours later we got out of the car into snow and freezing temperatures at the Mammouth ski resort.
·         This was exacerbated by the fact that it was a La NiƱa year and a huge amount of snow fell over Winter and well into Spring.  This meant that a lot of roads and hiking trails were closed and the weather was a lot colder than usual.  We weren’t able to camp as much as we’d hoped, nor explore the more remote parts of the National Parks.

Most Impressive Tree
·         There were a lot of trees in North America.  I honestly can’t believe how many trees there were!  The Redwoods in California were particularly memorable as they are truly enormous.  It was so sad seeing old photographs of loggers with the trunks of 1000+ year old trees that they had felled – completely irreplaceable.  My favourite tree was the Cathedral Tree which I drove the Jeep through, just!  So bizarre having a living tree with a tunnel through it.
·         The corkscrew redwood is also worth a mention as it was a pretty tree as well as being a massive one!

Weirdest Cooking Experience
I have a number of incidents that fit into this category!
·         The first is toasting bagels in our motel room in Bryce Canyon as it was snowing outside and we couldn’t face the cold.  However, we hadn’t banked on such a sensitive smoke alarm, which we managed to set off.  Luckily we weren’t up too early, so hopefully we didn’t wake up our neighbours!
·         We had another odd motel room cooking moment in Tofino on Vancouver Island.  It was pouring with rain and there was another smoke alarm in the room, so we opted to fry our fish and make risotto in the bathroom with the extractor fan on. 
·         In Ukiah with Matt and Laura we watched a Figian woman cooking a wild boar in a hole in the ground.  She didn’t have enough time to cook the boar through fully unfortunately, but the outer bits tasted good, and I’d be interested to try it again.
·         Cooking with Jason’s Uncle Dave definitely rates a mention as it was a fun yet exhausting experience.  Working under his direction we shopped, chopped, prepped and cooked a rack of lamb with roasted veggies.  It was like a military operation!

Funniest Moment
·         So Le Roux laughed lots when the wind at Death Valley blew over my wine glass and spilt my red wine all over me as I sat down for dinner at the picnic table.  With no showers at the campsite this was not ideal!
·         I got to laugh when Le Roux managed to slip while crossing the river at Meat Cove in Cape Breton and got his shoe completely soaked.  For “Speedy the Mountain Goat” to miss his footing is extremely rare – it’s normally me falling over and slipping, hence the amusement value!  I also had to laugh when a wave washed over his shoe when we were fishing off the rocks on Vancouver Island.

Best New Experience
·         This award, without a doubt, goes to the helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon.  An incredible experience that I would recommend to anyone - definitely worth saving up for!

Most Eccentric Person
·         There are a few candidates for this category, all lovely people, but just a little bit different!
-        the couch surfing family in Sonoma, California were a little bit hippy and had a menagerie of pets, including 2 massive pitt bulls that thought they were cats!
-        Jason’s Uncle Dave in Vancouver was a fantastic character – he talks at 100mph and is exhausting to be with, but a very nice guy;
-        Alex’s Grandad in Calgary was a full on cowboy, albeit a pint sized one!
-        Le Roux’s hobo friend in Port Townsend, Washington who shared our chilli dinner and boxed red wine definitely makes the list;
-        Mary and Zita, two B&B landladies we stayed with in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island – slightly crazy but very friendly old ladies!

Longest Drive
          The journey between Thousand Oaks on the north side of LA and Williams, Arizona near the Grand Canyon was nearly 500 miles and took 9 hours.  We took in Historic Route 66 where possible and were rewarded with some incredible scenery and funny little gold mining towns complete with randomly roaming donkeys!  Our ridiculously frequent photo stops probably added an additional 1.5 hours!

Most Surprising
·         McLobsters?!  Lobster in McDonalds in Canada is not what you expect to see.  I couldn’t quite bring myself to have one though.
·         How expensive campsites were, particularly in California - $35 per night, not including a shower?!  We stayed in cheaper motels over on the east coast!
·         Winter extends until July in a lot of places we went – what happened to Spring?!
·         Wifi in campsites – brilliant for getting the blog and photos done while sitting by a campfire!

Most Spectacular Drive
·         Three contenders for this category:
-        Historic Route 66 across California and into Arizona
-        the Oregon coast
-        the Rockies in British Columbia
·         I don’t think I can choose between these though as they were all so different but equally spectacular.  You should all drive these routes at some point in your lives!

Craziest Law
·         This award goes to a small town in Arizona called Kennesaw where it is illegal NOT to own a gun.  Only in America.

Most Annoying
·         The black flies and mosquitoes were incredibly annoying, especially in Maine, as they ate me alive and made me look like a chipmunk with a golf ball on my forehead.  Not the look I was after.  Also sleep was nigh on impossible as once one bite started to itch, others joined in and soon I was wriggling around like mad trying to scratch them all.

All in all an amazing 3 months was had, despite the few frustrations with weather and bugs.  I loved the freedom of having the Jeep and being able to go anywhere we wanted and not having to carry all our stuff.  It was also great staying with so many friends along the way who enabled us to have a different experience to just being random tourists – many thanks to all of you who put us up and took us out and about in your local area.  I’m very keen to go back to both the US and Canada as there is much more to see and do - hopefully it won’t be long before I find my way back.